
Spring day inside

Coruscating up and down the walls
Sunlight from the windows falls
Trees shake that I do not see
Shadows free reflecting
Outer life and breathing worlds
All around the building curled
Sighing gently with green new birth
Exhaling shadows breaking light
Dancing sprites o’er all the earth
With the lion’s tortoise pace of spring
Lazily loping through new fields
Reaching fingers through anything
Walls and windows don’t stop the
Wildest romp of season end
Blowing within office walls the voice
Of untamed might and riotous demands
Howling at the structure that defies
Nature in its rising swell of power
Conquering every gleaming glass tower
Calm the sun washes all with sleep
Warming tempers to a pleasant heat
Waiting until another day when
No desk set at liberty I commune
With my wanton spring

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