
Game change for me (I think)

Rules of life:
1. Ask guys out. They aren’t asking you out and if you want to find a good one, you might as well ask them out.
(I started this list when I turned thirty and realized I had only been asked out by one guy ever. I was cute, not overweight, smart, talkative, nerdy, and on the whole pretty awesome according to biased sources. So, since I wanted to get married and have kids, I decided to ask guys out. This may seem a bit forward, but there was nothing left to be done since I dislike online dating. I used to be extremely shy as a kid and over the years I sort of got over that, but it comes back sometimes. Asking guys out is when it comes back. But I need to get over that and just do it, since I never have before. So, I asked a guy out. Via text. Much easier than in person and over the phone. He accepted and we went out. It was great. We have somewhat similar backgrounds and he’s really cool. He’s into extreme sports and martial arts. Frankly, he is way more awesome than me. He also seems to not be totally into settling down, etc. But anyway, this date lead me to make up some more rules.)
2. Don’t mention naked Greek-style wrestling ever. (Yeah, sometimes my mind makes the strangest, worst connections.)
3. Don’t mention anything involving eating disorders, rehab, psychological issues and any problems stemming from those things until like date five or so. (I didn’t mention this, but I had to make the decision to be very vague right there when he asked me about my crazy adventures. I stuck to vague round-about talk about high school and mentioned my spur-of-the-moment camping trips, which I loved taking. This goes on to another conversational rule.)
4. Do not talk about professional cycling too much unless he’s into that. (I allowed him to judge me and mentioned that this made me a nerd for liking cycling, but I may have mentioned it too much.)
5. Don’t ask him out on a second date. (Since I asked him out first, this seems a solid rule. First, it determines whether he likes you or not since if he doesn’t like you that way or doesn’t want a relationship, he won’t ask you out. I decided this is a good rule since I think I like this guy more than he likes me. This may suck, but it’s better to let him be the decider of whether you will be in a relationship. I may mention what a good time I had when I see him next, but that’s it. I may be slightly desperate, but getting into a relationship that wouldn’t go anywhere isn’t worth it. This guy was a bit out of my league, but really sweet and he likes Pink Floyd and Sherlock. I may want to go out again, but most guys I know consider me friend material. According to guys, I am not date and girlfriend material. Which points out again rule #1.)
6. Wait a week and if he doesn’t ask you out, find someone else and ask them out. (I would really like to have a kid before I can’t, so that means giving up and moving on to try someone else. There are other guys out there and maybe one of them will think you are awesome. Giving up is not an option.)
I will keep you updated on any more rules that come along. There probably will be more since I am new to dating and not that great at it.

1 comment:

Whitty said...

I love you. Your rules are true. Go grad school and you!