

Bereft of looks
Mirrored gaze
I thought it meaning
Something more than
Melon colored mornings
and musky chocolate dusk
Into eyes staring deep
deeper than eyes bore
Drilling under skin to heart
To find the soul misplaced
out of body, gaze set free
Taking to the air
Flying far from here
to youthful leafy trees
swaying hammock
Sailing in pure breeze
Now lost to age's looters
pure joy no longer a friend
now enamored of passing fancy
Passing preferred
No lingering, no staid
permanence, but a flight
breathless over my body
looking up again, eyes still
stare, but then away
as mirrored eyes finish
.And return I to flesh
farther from which I went
Knowing nothing more than
the dream my soul sees in
Aching for permanence.

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