
Spring day inside

Coruscating up and down the walls
Sunlight from the windows falls
Trees shake that I do not see
Shadows free reflecting
Outer life and breathing worlds
All around the building curled
Sighing gently with green new birth
Exhaling shadows breaking light
Dancing sprites o’er all the earth
With the lion’s tortoise pace of spring
Lazily loping through new fields
Reaching fingers through anything
Walls and windows don’t stop the
Wildest romp of season end
Blowing within office walls the voice
Of untamed might and riotous demands
Howling at the structure that defies
Nature in its rising swell of power
Conquering every gleaming glass tower
Calm the sun washes all with sleep
Warming tempers to a pleasant heat
Waiting until another day when
No desk set at liberty I commune
With my wanton spring


I hate people, they really suck
They’re mean, and insensitive schmucks
Some especially need to be chucked
Terrorists come and abduct
Take to Afghanistan and ditch
Abandoned forever unless there’s a snitch
They’d be back with the newest sales pitch
Sarcastic comment, or wanting a hitch
Stupid people are always worse
I need to learn a voo-doo curse
But then friends can also be jerks
Annoying as hell, to be given to the Turks


Squares of days easily thrown away
Ripped out, shredded every new day
Turning the page making a large X with no delay
Closer creeps the weekend
With time that I can spend
With a dream that it will never end
But then comes the Monday X
When I escape for Tex-Mex
Or wonder if I can work a hex
On phones to make them stop
Customers to make them drop
In a deadly heap, on top of which, I’ll hop
But more days to come and nothing to do
But tear out the day and rue the time when I’ll be through
No money, and no one thickheadedly hovering
So I make my large X and see time passing
Wondering what the next calendar will bring
A bright new corner or a loud death ring
Is it knell? I can no longer tell.
Too many X’s, too much of a daze
My mind has stopped, surrounding vacuity crazed
That I’ve survived this long has me amazed


Slowly it comes I sense it near, the screaming madness comes, I fear
Creeping so slowly with every new event, forgetting things, emotions pent
Holding it together, surviving, with phone calls and texts while driving
Every week longer, will there be an end?
Confusion and moonstruck madness I portend
Calmly I seem to have lost all dreams
Sleep has been abandoned, eating is random
Only when I have a moment trying to catch up
Does my maniacal laughter indicate I’m stumped
Toward mad Bedlam sending, quiet my precious sanity rending
Will it come with thunder, fist shaking at the heavens, world split asunder
Or quiet whispering sounds that aren’t there; creeping up on me as I sit in my chair
One more thing and one more thing to be done
I can’t handle anymore right now, I must run
Give up, quit, die, show me how to leave this endless circling ride
What more can I do to help you? Wait until the world ends, all things new?
Confusion, like waves inside my head, reason pays no mind
Tossing and turning, trying to be kind, No no more or I’ll lose my mind

The pain of punctuation

When we truly feel, quotations seem unreal
Can you put a comma in stanzas of pain and drama
Pour out the soul on paper with no consideration
Should periods put an end to our vexations?
Paralyze our angst and proffer us punctuation
To stall the coming tide of tearful sentiment.
Please give me semicolons to shore up the banks.
Flooding feelings, running over piled pediments;
For the rescuing apostrophe, we give thanks.
Floating far from the shore of reasonous remarks
Ellipses elongate this sentimental lark . . .
Then back we come past fury and frustrating rages,
To a place of calm and peace-enlightened sages.
Order and punctuation prevail in synchronized accord.
Until emotion sways and they are pushed out the door!